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Why I Chose This Topic

The Story Behind It 

Growing up in the Catholic Faith, I have experienced many opinions regarding abortions, IVF, and embryos. After the case of Roe V Wade was overturned, social media posts regarding abortion and arguments only grew. I began to research more about the study of embryos and came across the topic that people began editing them genetically. While there was controversy surrounding embryonic research, there was little to none on their editing. Wondering why this was, I began researching more, and I saw that there were no official guidelines listed, unlike the other forms of technology used for embryonic research. With this information, I wanted to determine where the Catholic Church stands on such a new topic.

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If you know anyone considering abortion or struggling with a pregnancy, please reach out to the National Abortion Hotline or a local pregnancy center, both attached below

National Abortion Hotline : 1(800)772-9100

Community Pregnancy Center North: (704)727-0535 

Community Pregnancy Center South: (704)664-4673


Get in touch
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