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Morality Of

The Genetic Editing of Human Embryos

For my horizon project, I researched the morality behind the genetic modification of human embryos. I hoped to discover the Catholic Church’s point of view on this new emerging technology in order to help my reader understand what aligns with the Catholic Church. As technological advances in today’s society rise, different scientific processes are discovered. While many new scientific discoveries have been made, the CRISPR Cas-9 technology has been one of the most controversial in society. This genetic editing technology is thought to prevent genetic diseases in humans. Still, it raises ethical questions and the Catholic Church does not have strict guidelines surrounding the ethics of the genetic modification of embryos. Through this research, I plan to find out how other ethical and moral teaching from the Church may guide the Church’s response to this new technology.

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What This Project Covers

If you know anyone considering abortion or struggling with a pregnancy, please reach out to the National Abortion Hotline or a local pregnancy center, both attached below

National Abortion Hotline : 1(800)772-9100

Community Pregnancy Center North: (704)727-0535 

Community Pregnancy Center South: (704)664-4673


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